DFY Call Center &

Lead Management Services

Highly Trained, Highly Motivated and Ready to go to work for you!

DFY Call Center &

Lead Management Services

Highly Trained, Highly Motivated and Ready to go to work for you!

Ensure Your Business Continuity & Service Levels

Start Consistently Closing More Real Estate Deals

We hire, manage and train your cold callers so you can focus on closing more deals.

Ensure Your Business Continuity & Service Levels

Start Consistently Closing More Real Estate Deals

We hire, manage and train your cold callers so you can focus on closing more deals.

When You Hire Dial Más You Get...

  • Experienced Cold Callers Professionally Trained To Ask The Right Question To Help You Close More Deals

  • Experienced Cold Call Managers That Help You Manage & Train Your Callers So You Don't Have To Spend Time Training Cold Callers

  • Expert Dialer Setup Using Our In-House Dialer To Get You Optimal Results & Extend The Life of Your Data

  • We Scale With You So Can Hire 1 Caller and Add Callers as You Grow

When You Hire Dial Más You Get...

  • Experienced Cold Callers Professionally Trained To Ask The Right Question To Help You Close More Deals

  • Experienced Cold Call Managers That Help You Manage & Train Your Callers So You Don't Have To Spend Time Training Cold Callers

  • Expert Dialer Setup Using Our In-House Dialer To Get You Optimal Results & Extend The Life of Your Data

  • We Scale With You So Can Hire 1 Caller and Add Callers as You Grow


How To Get Started

Setup Your Campaign

Get a Tracking Number

Add a Target Line

Launch Your Campaign

Name your Campaign and choose your country

Get a unique Tracking Number where you can send calls

Forward your calls to buyers or anywhere you'd like them to go

Name your Campaign and choose your country


How To Get Started

Setup Your Campaign

Name your Campaign and choose your country

Get a Tracking Number

Get a unique Tracking Number where you can send calls

Add a Target Line

Forward your calls to buyers or anywhere you'd like them to go

Launch Your Campaign

Name your Campaign and choose your country


How To Get Started

Setup Your Campaign

Name your Campaign and choose your country

Get a Tracking Number

Get a unique Tracking No's where you can send calls

Add a Target Line

Forward your calls to buyers or anywhere you'd like them to go

Launch Your Campaign

Name your Campaign and choose your country


Some Of The

Services We Offer

Call Center Services International's management team has over 35-years of expertise in successfully establishing U.S.

Auto Lead Notifications & CRM Integrations

We can connect our Dial Más System with your CRM to ensure you get leads instantly (limited to certain CRMs) and we provide auto lead notifications so you never miss a hot lead.

Bilingual English/Spanish Callers

All of our callers have been trained and approved by us for English & Spanish Scripts to help you maximize ROI by squeezing every possible lead from your data.

Weekly Reporting

We provide weekly reports on calls made, contracts made, leads generated and other important KPIs including list health to ensure you always have fresh data for your campaigns.

SMS Follow Up Drops

Our DialMá system allows us to drop custom SMS messages to call backs, no answers, abandoned calls and appointments. This helps you maximize the return on each campaign.


Some Of The Services We Offer

Call Center Services International's management team has over 35-years of expertise in successfully establishing U.S.

Auto Lead Notifications & CRM Integrations

We can connect our Dial Más System with your CRM to ensure you get leads instantly (limited to certain CRMs) and we provide auto lead notifications so you never miss a hot lead.

Bilingual English/Spanish Callers

All of our callers have been trained and approved by us for English & Spanish Scripts to help you maximize ROI by squeezing every possible lead from your data.

Weekly Reporting

We provide weekly reports on calls made, contracts made, leads generated and other important KPIs including list health to ensure you always have fresh data for your campaigns.

SMS Follow Up Drops

Our DialMá system allows us to drop custom SMS messages to call backs, no answers, abandoned calls and appointments. This helps you maximize the return on each campaign.


Our Best Specialists Work For You

Barbra J. Zambrano


Roger M. Howell


Joyce V. Garcia


Jacob B. McGinley


Frequently Asked Questions

 Can I Get A Part-Time Caller?

You can but in order to get the best results from our agents we recommend a full time caller as they can call on your campaign all day and connect with more potential sellers.

 Can Hire A Caller Month to Month?

We ask for a 3 month commitment  as it takes time to respond nurture and convert leads to deals. We want to set you up for success and it's hard to be successful with such a short term campaign.

 Do I Need A CRM?

Yes we recommend having a CRM to manage and nurture your new leads. We can integrate with most CRMs the most popular is Podio.

 How Much Data Does My Caller Need?

We recommend at least 10,000 phone numbers per agent per month.

 Why Does Data Matter?

If you put good data in you'll get good leads out. If you provide your caller with old our out of date list it reduces the chances we will contact interested sellers. We negotiated pricing on the best data for real estate investors if you need to invest in better data for your caller. You can provide your own data if you believe the source of the data is accurate and recently sourced.

 Do you provide reporting on KPIs?

Yes we provide weekly reports on all the important KPIs to help you monitor your cold calling campaigns.

 Can I Get A Part-Time Caller?

You can but in order to get the best results from our agents we recommend a full time caller as they can call on your campaign all day and connect with more potential sellers.

 Can Hire A Caller Month to Month?

We ask for a 3 month commitment  as it takes time to respond nurture and convert leads to deals. We want to set you up for success and it's hard to be successful with such a short term campaign.

 Do I Need A CRM?

Yes we recommend having a CRM to manage and nurture your new leads. We can integrate with most CRMs the most popular is Podio.

 How Much Data Does My Caller Need?

We recommend at least 10,000 phone numbers per agent per month.

 Why Does Data Matter?

If you put good data in you'll get good leads out. If you provide your caller with old our out of date list it reduces the chances we will contact interested sellers. We negotiated pricing on the best data for real estate investors if you need to invest in better data for your caller. You can provide your own data if you believe the source of the data is accurate and recently sourced.

 Do you provide reporting on KPIs?

Yes we provide weekly reports on all the important KPIs to help you monitor your cold calling campaigns.

Ready To Start Converting More Deals?

New York, NY, USA

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New York, NY, USA

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